There is No Substitute for Family

April 14, 2016
  • Rhonda Spencer
  • Rhonda Spencer
    Chief People Officer at Barry-Wehmiller

“How would a caring family respond?”

这是外围十大菠菜app在Barry-Wehmiller工作时经常问自己的问题 Guiding Principles of Leadership 作为一家全球性企业,外围十大菠菜app每天都要面对大大小小的问题.

《外围十大菠菜app》看起来就像你在任何公司办公室的墙上都能看到的那种典型的企业“发布和吹嘘”的价值观宣言. Asking the right question helps transform our values into action.

Pix-7-450x800去年年底,外围十大菠菜app发现自己又在问这个问题, 当外围十大菠菜app得知外围十大菠菜app在金奈的许多团队成员的生活, India with Barry-Wehmiller International (now part of Design Group), our IT consulting firm, were turned upside down.

Throughout November and December of 2015, 前所未有的洪水使外围十大菠菜app的许多B-WI朋友失去了家园和大部分财产. 随着破坏程度的消息传到美国, 外围十大菠菜app从整个组织的团队成员那里收到越来越多的电子邮件,询问, “What can I do to help?”

When you see a family member affected by hardship, you want to be able to do something, even if it’s just a hug or a word of encouragement. 所有这些善举的复合效应可以变成比弥补失去的东西更有意义的东西.

Because so many asked how they could help, 外围十大菠菜app建立了一个YouCaring页面,为外围十大菠菜app的金奈队友募捐. 当这个页面上线后,外围十大菠菜app在整个公司宣布了这个消息,并获得了大量的支持. 日复一日,外围十大菠菜app看到来自世界各个角落的慷慨捐赠,不胜感激.

Our Thiele Technologies (now BW Integrated Systems and BW Flexible Systems) and  Accraply companies in the Minneapolis, 明尼苏达州地区甚至举行了一场无声拍卖,提供爱心和双手创造的物品——泡菜, enchilada dinners, car washes and spring lawnmower tune-ups, to name a few. They raised more than $2,400.

Beyond just financial assistance, we had a team here in our St. Louis headquarters who met daily at first, then weekly to work to find a way to lend our support, 并确保捐款在最需要的人身上发挥最佳作用.

What struck me is that people were more than engaged. 捐助者和志愿者似乎都松了一口气,精力充沛,因为有了向地球另一端的团队成员伸出援助之手的途径, most of whom had never met.

Through these acts of generosity and kindness of our BW team members, customers and other caring parties, we raised $23,689. Our CEO, Bob Chapman, made a generous offer to match what was raised, 帮助外围十大菠菜app满足印度朋友的援助请求. They have begun the process of rebuilding their lives.

人们常说Barry-Wehmiller不“像”一个家庭,它就是一个家庭. 对远在地球另一端的队友倾注关怀, whom most of us have never met, is a wonderful testament to the goodness of our people.

Lakshmipriya Radhakrishnan, B-WI’s Culture and People Development Director in India, 帮助协调为当地队友筹集资金和援助的努力. 在外围十大菠菜app开始这个过程并且能够开始从海外获得资金和物资之后, Lakshmipriya从金奈的角度写了一封非常感人的电子邮件.

“尽管很不幸,金奈的洪水教会了外围十大菠菜app两件重要的事情,”她说. “First – when it comes to safety, there is no place for complacency; second – there is no substitute for family.

“这里所说的‘家庭’并不仅仅指父亲、兄弟、母亲和姐妹. We mean the hundreds of people all across the globe in BW, most of who have never seen us earlier, but who understood our pain and loss, and stepped up to help us when we needed it the most.

“Many of us lost household assets accumulated over a lifetime, our vehicles and sustained severe damage to our houses, not to speak of complete disruption to our hitherto safe, normal lives. 当外围十大菠菜app被洪水围困时,B-WI团队成员勇敢地在疾病肆虐的环境中帮助外围十大菠菜app提供食物和其他必需品,这令人感动.

“但当外围十大菠菜app试图收拾受损房屋的碎片,拼命筹集资金让它们再次适合居住时, 来自世界各地的援助之情溢于言表,这使外围十大菠菜app的忧虑更容易忍受和克服.

“We at B-WI are very proud to belong to the Barry-Wehmiller family. We hope and pray that disasters never cloud any of us ever again, 但当外围十大菠菜app知道无论发生什么,外围十大菠菜app都会觉得自己高了两英尺, we have a family watching out for us.”



外围十大菠菜app非常感谢BW成员,他们慷慨地帮助外围十大菠菜app度过了这场完全意想不到的危机. Thank you is just not enough to express how I, my wife and children feel about all you have done for us.

When the waters receded, my house was infested by fungus. We stayed in the house of a relative, 我拼命地寻找一种方法来筹集资金,帮助我清理我的房子,让它再次适合居住. With the money that I got through the grant, 我能够彻底清理房子,修复一些破损的结构. My wife, my aged mother, and my two little boys are now back in our own home, safe and sound, 外围十大菠菜app非常感谢所有帮助外围十大菠菜app并使这一切成为可能的人.

Some companies here have also set up assistance processes for their people; most are still a work in progress, the mode of fund transfer still being worked out, and where done, the process is official, strict and mechanical. In contrast, BW was quickly able to send us the money, 不需要对所遭受的损害提供严格的证据——外围十大菠菜app感到受到了照顾. Never were we made to feel we were just ‘receivers.’ Not only did BW help us out, they kept our self-respect intact.

外围十大菠菜app不认识你的名字或面孔,可能永远也不会认识所有帮助过外围十大菠菜app的朋友. 但外围十大菠菜app真诚地祈祷上帝保佑每一个站在外围十大菠菜app身边的人,帮助外围十大菠菜app几乎忘记了在这里发生的悲剧. 外围十大菠菜app永远不会忘记你在外围十大菠菜app需要的时候所给予的善意和帮助.

Since we began our cultural journey, 外围十大菠菜app面临的挑战始终是确保外围十大菠菜app言行一致. We want our culture to be more than nice words hanging on the wall.

外围十大菠菜app相信,从根本上说,人类是通过相互关心而共同繁荣的——企业可以成为社会中一股有益的力量, fostering this natural human caring. 像对金奈灾难的反应这样的经历让我确信,外围十大菠菜app的愿景正在成为现实.


Rhonda Spencer is Barry-Wehmiller’s Chief People Officer.

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