更好的工作, 更好的世界: Hassan Awil of BW Packaging

  • 布伦特·斯图尔特
  • 布伦特·斯图尔特
    数字战略 & Barry-Wehmiller的内容主管

Hassan Awil 说 jokingly that in his “past life,” he was in human resources.

Now, at Barry-Wehmiller, he’s part of our People Team.

哈桑现居加拿大安大略省滑铁卢. He is the People Team Leader for the Canadian location of our BW Packaging companies, 准确和气动刻度钟.

Accraply builds automated label application systems, 包括压敏标签, roll-fed标签, shrink sleeve applicators and converting equipment for shrink sleeve labels and flexible packaging.

Pneumatic Scale Angelus builds packaging machinery for wet and dry filling, capping, can seaming and labeling.

BW包装是外围十大菠菜app公司的平台 whose leading packaging brands serve customers in the food, 饮料, 个人护理, 家庭, 制药及其他行业. These companies make the machines that help our customers produce the bottles, 罐, 纸箱, bags and other containers of food and 家庭 goods you find on store and kitchen shelves.

在那“过去的生活”里,在成为BW大家庭的一员之前, Hassan worked for another manufacturing company for ten years.

“I was fortunate to have studied Labor Relations and Human Resources,哈桑说. “This combination was beneficial especially in manufacturing and allowed me to make a significant impact, 特别是健康和安全, 哪一种自然会产生压力.”

In 2020, he heard about Barry-Wehmiller and joined the company in 2021.

“I've looked at countless videos of BW CEO Bob 查普曼 and the countless testimonies,哈桑说. “You don't get too many 组织s that say those kinds of things and actually live them.

“I'm passionate about training and development. 我对人充满热情. And it was nice to see and go to a place that you can actually bring your talent and be fulfilled. 其中一句让我印象深刻的是, ‘We want people fulfilled at the end of the day, 不是跑下来, 不排水.’ And I can honestly say in the time I've been here, I've gone home fulfilled every day. 我每天都期待着来上班.”

So, if Hassan no longer sees himself in HR, what is this People Team?

In the years after we established Barry-Wehmiller’s cultural vision statement, 领导的指导原则, each department in our company began looking inward to ask these questions and establish their own vision.  Now that we had a set document that articulated our values as a company, it was important for each to examine their role in light of those shared priorities.

Every department participated – from Finance, to Communications, to Facilities and beyond. 2007年,轮到人力资源部了. Their re-evaluation made them re-think almost everything they did.

Through their session, the team realized their role was more than numbers, procedures and forms. It was about helping to create and facilitate an environment where people could flourish and reach their full potential.

And the feeling was that the term “Human Resources” didn’t really apply anymore.

作为外围十大菠菜app的首席人事官, 朗达·斯宾塞, 说, “人不仅仅是‘资源’。, 或者是达到目的的手段, 他们是外围十大菠菜app的目标.”

The team changed its name to Culture and People Development and eventually simplified it to just People Team. 随着时间的推移, this new vision enabled the People Team to evolve from a transactional service to the 组织 to an integral part of the leadership of the business.

“The culture of this 组织 is very important to me and is one that I take very seriously with people in my span of care,哈桑说. “As member of the People Team, you are a steward for the 组织's culture.

“Measuring success in the ways we touch the lives of people is an important statement. And you see it in every hallway, in every division.”

No longer in “human resources,” Hassan feels relieved and refreshed as a part of the BW family.

“You're not trying to convince leadership what's right or the right thing to do, 他们活在其中,哈桑说. “It’s a relief at the end of the day to come to a place where there’s like-mindedness. I can fulfill my goals, which is serving people. And one of the main things when I was being interviewed was how can I serve people? 我怎样才能有用呢? 培训和发展是我的激情所在. So, to come to a place that actually has that as part of their measurements was refreshing.”

And Hassan has been a tremendous ambassador for our culture of Truly Human 领导, 在外围十大菠菜app的国际办事处之一.

“Being a new person to come in since January 2021, it's easier to see how this culture is very infectious, 如果我能用这个词的话,哈桑说. “很容易能理解的. And it's our job to fan those flames and get as many people and pass the message on genuinely. It's a genuine message that everyone needs to hear.”

更好的工作. 正规博十大app排名 一个视频系列的设计是为了发光吗 light on team members throughout the global Barry-Wehmiller 组织. Watch the video through the link above to learn more.


Need help in applying principles of Truly Human 领导 in your 组织? 查普曼 & Co. 领导 Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, 参与员工, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, 评估及工作坊.

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